About GPTZero
GPTZero is a powerful AI detection tool designed to identify AI-generated text in documents. Ideal for educators, writers, and organizations, it uses advanced algorithms to analyze text and provides detailed reports, ensuring authenticity in academic and professional writing. Experience unparalleled accuracy with GPTZero.
GPTZero offers various pricing plans, starting with a free version allowing 10,000 words monthly. Essential plans begin at $8.33/month for 150,000 words. The Premium plan at $12.99/month unlocks enhanced features for 300,000 words. Upgrade for comprehensive AI detection capabilities and customer support.
GPTZero features an intuitive user interface designed for seamless navigation and efficient document analysis. Users can easily paste or upload texts, receive instant feedback, and access detailed insights. The platform’s layout enhances usability, ensuring a straightforward experience for detecting AI-generated content.
How GPTZero works
Users begin by creating a free account on GPTZero. After logging in, they can easily paste text or upload documents for analysis. The system employs advanced algorithms to scan and highlight potential AI-generated sections. Users receive detailed insights, making it simple to assess authenticity and clarify authorship.
Key Features for GPTZero
Advanced AI Scan
The Advanced AI Scan by GPTZero delivers unparalleled accuracy in detecting AI-generated text, using cutting-edge technology to analyze writing style and evaluate authenticity. This innovative feature provides in-depth results and empowers users by ensuring the originality of their documents.
Plagiarism Checker
GPTZero's Plagiarism Checker helps users maintain content integrity by identifying uncredited material sourced from external references. This feature ensures authenticity in academic and professional contexts, reinforcing the commitment to quality and originality in writing.
Authorship Verification
Authorship Verification with GPTZero allows users to confirm the originality and true authorship of submitted texts. This ensures transparency in writing practices, which is crucial for educators and professionals committed to upholding academic integrity and ethical standards.